December, 1880.]
Third plate; first side. [P] Salmali-túla-vipåka'- kalpâh
paramartha-vi. ("] rask [bo] prâ(pri)ti-dharmê(rmah) Êvam sarvvam=ani(bhi)samåkalayya 1 [*] ma hârâj.adhiraja-srimat-Satyasrayadevah
satvari(rama)(2) hraiva såmanta-visbayapatikanaastu vidita[m*]
yathâ [] Ày&sa-ba[ta* ]-labdhasya prânêbhyo=pi gari(ri)yasah [] re@kwaiva vittasya dânam=anya vipattayah !! Ato maya
Third plate ; second side. [*] nija-blaj-arjitam chatur-åghata(ta)- viếuddham
yajana-yajan-adi-shat-karma-niratâ[y=&* lgnihora(tra)-charu-purðdas-ati[**] thi-pujiya veda-vodamga-paragaya
Yajuh-sakhine ["] [ya"]sya Valabhi-mahasthânê
Brahm- [*] thô (rthô) labdhah
mah-âtman=îtiśayita-sarvva[*] janëna An Scha'n-ânvayêna dvijätina
Fourth plate ; first side. ["] Katyâyana-gôtråya Naga[svä*]mio-dikshi(shi)ta | Sridhara-di(at)kshi[58] ta | Vâmanasvamia
Narayana I Dévårya(?) CID Govi[*]ndasvâmi e (?)tà (têbhyo) Durâyâbhajya-* * -Payoshņi-samgamo [*] sû"'rya-grahaņa-parvvaņi 1
svaya[m] pådau praksha[3] lya s atilodakéna
Pippala-nagaram ("] a-chamdr-årka[*] yâvat-pratipâdita[**] Ma(ya)sy=åghâtâḥ
Fourth plate ; second side. [*] Pârvvataḥ Kapilakuņda(?)-Bhimadå-sandhi's(ndhi)- våtah | Dakshinato(tah) [] Kattura-parvvatah Selalada-nadi | Sa(?)ksha(?)ra-dâ(va)tah [ll*] Paschi[*] matô Gadada-hra(?)daḥ(?) Va(?)yalachchhi(?)-sadhisa(sandhis=cha ?) | Uttarato [*] Dha(?)"chhcha(chchha)vabha-parvvatah | Japya(?bya)khêdî-nadi(di) | Su(?)gåhald["] tadagam
Tath=asy=knyayê Lôhanagar-adi(di)ui sthana[*] na ni shad-vim(?) sa tâ(ti) 1 tathragrahârâți chatur-a(a)śiti prada["] tau(tt)ni I Atô mad-vya vam)syair=anyairəvvå pratipalaniyâni [ll*]
Fifth plate. [*] MA(A)gâmi-raja-dayo=shta-satan
niya(?)paka ņam
matonyasáhi[*] ya bala-mathana-ta(?)pya(?) || Tath=âtra bal-ayatani(no?) Vasantadityah tath=- 32 [*] dha(dhi)krita-Vi(vi)rêsvara(ral) pratipalanâya 1 Vyasas=[ch]=at[r]a | Visvim) dhy
13 A blank space, equal to two letters, intervenes be. tween this ka and the ha of kulpa.
1. The lower part of this letter, ma, was cut out in making the ring-hole.
15 The upper part of this letter, hai, was cut out at the same time.
10 This letter, tu, was at first omitted, and then was inserted above the line; it is very small and faint.
11 This letter, ya, was entirely cut out in making the ring-bole.
18 The Pandit considers that the rending may be either Anyuchi or Jhanyficha. The first letter is so nondescript that it may be anything whatever. The second letter is certainly nů. The third syllable, cha, is a mistake for chi, if the first letter is a. .
10A blank space, equal to two letters, intervenes between chá and na.
20 The Pan lit reads Nagavira, but I do not agree with him here. Toere is a blank space, apparently from a flaw in the copper, between ga and me, where I supply avd.
11 The Pandit reads Ramašasvami.
Tbe yd is clear; but the upper part of the letter is partially effaced and is very doubtful. The Pandit reads Dúráradya.
23 This mark of punctuation is superfluous. 2. Part of the x was cut out in making the ring-hole.
25 This letter, which I read as nuth for ndhi, is a very nondescript one. The Pandit suggests either Bhimals súmviráta h or Nimad Asundhivata.
21 The Pandit reads Gadau.
27 Part of this letter, dha, and perhaps the whole of another letter before it, was cut out in making the ringhole. The Pandit reads Va (?) chchhourla-priroutah.
24 This repetition of the letter ni is superfluous.
* A blank space, equal to one letter, intervenes between tari and ni.
39 The Pandit reads ry, orrvi. But there is no r over the letter, and it certainly is not rua.
51 This word is unintelligible; but I cannot suggest anything else. .
sa This mark of panctuation should be before tath-d..