JUNE, 1880.]
Transcript. [1] संवत् ४१३ श्रीमानदेवनृपतेश्वरणप्रसादात् भक्त्या विशुद्धमतिना जयवर्मनामा लिङ्ग जयेश्वर
मिति प्रथितं नृलोके [१] संस्थापितं सनुपतेर्जगतो हिताय १ भगवतोस्य लिङ्गस्य कारणपूजा[यै] ----- तायव
---यनार्थन्दत्तमक्षय[नीवी-] Translation. | [१] --
--- रणाय Samvat 413. By the favour of the feet of the illustrious king MAnadeva, a pure-minded
["]. --
---हारक(man) called Jayavar man has erected a
--शप्येत्तेषान्त्रLinga, known in the world of men, as Jayesvara for the welfare of the people and of the
-दिकार्येषु सद्विking. A permanent endowment" has been
----मयापि तेषां assigned for (defraying the expenses) of the
----(मो)चित-- occasional worship of this worshipful Linga.
[6] ------------- . No. 3.-An inscription of king Vasantasena, dated Sarnvat 435.
["] ---त्पादोपजीविभिरि-------- This inscription is incised on a narrow oblong [19] --यश्थेमामाज्ञामुलं[ध्य] ----- slab of sandstone about six feet high with a semi
[2] ---द्वा तस्याहं दृढं मर्या----- circular top, adorned by a relievo showing a Chakra and two Sankhas. The stone lies
[१] इति समाज्ञापना संवत् ४३५ [आश्व] near the sanctuary of Lugal Devi, not far from | [1] युजि शुक्ल दिवा १ दूतकः सर्वदण्डनाthe temple of Jaisi, Lagantol Kitmanda..
[29] यकमहाप्रतिहाररविगुप्त The inscription originally contained twenty
इति three lines, the greater part of which has [2] ब्राझुङि च महीशीले व्यवहरतीति. however been destroyed by the influence of rain and weather. The remaining letters are very
Translation. distinct and well cut, and show the forms of the
Om. Fail! From Managriha,the lord Gupta period. The language is Sanskrit.
and great king, the illustrious Vasantasena, Transcript.
who meditates on the feet of the illustrious lord [] ई स्वस्ति मानगृहात्प[रमदैवतबप्पभ
and great king Bappa (an incarnation of the ["] टारकमहाराजश्रीपादानुध्यातः श्रुतन- supreme deity,"-whose brilliant fame has ex
panded as a flower through his learning, policy, [१] [यदया दानदाक्षिण्यपुण्यप्रतापविकसितसि
compassion, liberality, affability, holiness and [] तकीर्तिर्भट्टारकमहाराजश्रीवसन्त
valour,-being in good health. . . . . . . [] सेनः कुशली]---ध्यधिकरणेषु धर्म
This is the order; Samyat 435, on the first day [७] स्यान]---------काश्चंकुश
of the bright half of the month Asvayuja. The ----------विदितमस्तु वो मया
executive officer (ddlaka) is the chief prefect [9] - - ----------लिडल
of police and great chamberlain Ravigupta.
He is transacting business in Brahmung [] ------------ कथेर
Ma hisila.
1. The expression akshayanfvi, a permanent endowment, is very common in the Buddhist inscriptions of the Western Caves, see Bhandarkar, Nasik Inscr., Transact. Or. Congress 1874, passin.
15 Karanapůj, translated by occasional worship,' is probably an equivalent for naimíttikapuja, and refers to the worship on the days of the new and full moon and other feative seasons.
16 The first five and the last four lines only admit of a translation. The few words readable in the middle
permit the inference that the inscription recorded & grant to somebody. Anagribs, from which all the inscriptions of the kings of this dynasty are dated, appears to have been the capital or the royal residence.
"I am unable to say who this Bappa BhatAraka was. But I think that it is a general title used by chief priests; for the Valabht kings and those of Vengf (Jour. Bo. Br. R. A. S. XI. 855) also declare their devotion to the feet of this Bappa Bhattfraka. Acharyas or chief priests frequently bear the same titles as crowned kings.