Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 09
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 273
________________ SEPTEMBER, 1880.) CHAMPANIR AND PAWAGADH. 223 in from 20 to 30 minutes according to the them to the right of the road are nine smaller ability of the climber and the mode he chooses kothárs, called nau lakhas. They are the same to ascend. A. clever pony has ascended and as the lower ones in all respects except being cows have been driven up but with great diffi- smaller. They are used by Europeans as reculty. In about 20 minutes after passing the sidences, but the wind blows with such force as first gateway, a natural scarp 20 feet high is to render them very uncomfortable. To the reached, which is surmounted by a wall 12 feet right of the kothárs is the Champavati palace, high, crenellated in the usual style. Trees, consisting of a series of apartments on different long grass and creepers grow from this wall in terraces descending a long way and commanda most picturesque manner. In one place a ing fine views. As the first syllable in the silvery grass hangs down 8 feet at least from name of this palace is pronounced decidedly the wall in a thick mass. The scarp is crossed short, there seems good reason for thinking that and ascended by gate No. 2, called burhiya. it ought to be pronounced short in the word On the left of this gateway is a small pool of | "Champanir" also. It is true that in the Rás good water which drops from the wall on the Mald and other works it is written as if long, left. Above to the left are seen two semicir- and a story is told of the name being taken cular bastions, about 70 feet in diameter, but from a minister named “Chåmpå" or "Jhâmpa." only 12 feet high. At this place there are 99 But considering how often such stories are steps out in the rock in tolerable repair, while invented by the Hindus, and how unusual the many others have been broken. At the end of name is for a man, it may fairly be supposed these steps is a third gateway, above which, at that this story also is a fiction. "Champa" is distance of about 80 yards, is gateway No. 4, a common name for a place, and unless the and here the jungle ends for a short space and word should be found written with the long a then begins again, but with larger and hand- in very old writings, the fair supposition is that somer trees. The path now leads between two the city was called from the jasmine plant walls, that on the left being 30 feet high. which was common in the locality. No. After a hundred yards the fifth gateway is gateway is called the Makai Kothêr gate, and reached, and at the same distance the sixth beyond it is a wooden bridge which leads to gateway. No. 7 is a quarter of a mile beyond gateway No. 9, called the Pattanpur gate, at this. On the left is a ruined house of Sindhia's which two-thirds of the ascent are finished. Actime in which three policemen and their families cording to the bearers the whole ascent extends live. They say they never see or hear wild two kos, and from the Pattanpur gate to the beasts. After this the path becomes much summit is one kos. After about 50 minute smore more steep, and the usual mode of ascent the tenth gateway is reached, and this opens is in a manchi, which is simply a cushion upon the great platform, above which is the supported by two long bamboos, with a bit scarped rock which contains the temple of of dirty cloth on which to rest one's feet. Mahakali. There is here a small tank about There is no support for the back, consequent- 100 feet by 80 feet, on the edge of which are ly, the traveller must cling to the bamboos, some temples in rains. One however is roofed, or risk falling out backwards. The path rapidly and has lately been repaired or rebuilt by Hindu becomes more difficult, but the Bhil bearers, merchants. So far, according to the Brahmans, small, thin, wiry men, spring from rock to tigers are known to come, but they do not rock with incredible agility. In some places ascend the steps which lead to the top of the the sides of the mountain are very precipitous, rock on which is Mahakali's shrine. but the jungle veils the chasm. Above gateway The ascent to this crowning platean is by stone No. 7 are three granaries, called mathai kóthars. steps, very steep, and consisting of the following They are domed, and measure 30 feet square. flights :-113+8+6+12+10 +19+3+4 Their walls are 5 feet thick, and they are used +3+3+3+ 4+11+11+3+7=220. as offices by the English officials who go up to The first great flight has a siding 2 feet reside on the mountain. Below them are broad of stone. The last flight leads to gate No. reservoirs for water, and you cross the roofs of 11, after passing which the temple of Mahakali these to enter the kothars. A long way above is seen on the left. This temple is 64 feet


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