Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 09
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 91
________________ MARCH, 1880.] THE PERUMALS. 77 among the lowest castes breach of the caste rules “In the olden times or what is called the is looked on as detracting from the respectability | Satya Yuga, according to Hindu mythology it of the offender, and rendering his evidence of appears from the Puranas, that there was a set less value in their own opinion. of prostitutes of the first class such as Ur. vasi, Menaka, Rambha, Tilottamâ, &c., and the 5. Among the lower class of Musalmans in mode of their living is also defined there. Each the North-West, there is a belief that bad luck woman attaches herself for one night or sucwill attend a child through life unless a naked cessive nights to one man only, and during that sword or knife is shown to it soon after its birth. period she has no connection with anybody else. There is also a belief among this class extending “The ceremony observed in the marriage with to the lower castes of Hindus that the goddess flower plants by the first class is--that the mother or angel of good luck will not visit a house in of the girl gives away her daughter to a flower which there is no sword of some sort or other. plant, previously planted in her house for the 6. When talking to a Bengali gentleman on | purpose, in the presence of a priest of their class the subject of tree and serpent worship, he told and of other friends invited for the purpose. A me-but I had better give his own words :- wedding feast is given on the occasion, accord"In reference to the conversation of last Sun- ing to the circumstances of the party. day morning, I have been, on the evening of that “So long as the flower plant with which the day, to a prostitute's house, and obtained the girl is married is alive, she daily waters it, and following correct information in respect to their puts a light near it at night. When the plant system of marriage with flower plants. withers and dies away, the girl observes mourn"There are two classes of prostitutes :-One ing for a period of three days, and abstains born of prostitute mother and carries on the from meat or fish during those days, but lives profession from generation to generation. This on one meal of rice and vegetables. On the class is married to flower plants, the daughters fourth day she bathes, cuts her nails, feeds born of Auch prostitute mothers form no con- friends and Brahmans, and then leads her usual rection by rights of marriage with any living mode of life. man, consequently any intercourse with this "All flowers are of the female sex, except four, class of women is not considered a great social which are of the male species. As I am not accrime, as they bring no shame to any one by quainted with their English or botanical names, their pernicions profession. I give their names as pronounced in Bengal :"The other is the one who, on account of high Togore, Kund, Goluncho or Kulka, and Sephametal, qnits the protection of their guardians, lika. With these four species of flower plants leaving infant children, and thereby bring dis- the tree-marriage is contracted, and with no grace to the family which she had deserted. other kind of flower trees." Intercourse with this class of women is in a So far as I can learn, nothing is known moral and social point of view a heinous offence | around Allahabad of tree-marriage. The niinb, and sinfulness, as any assistance rendered to as I have already noted, is worshipped, during an them encourages women of such disposition to outbreak of small-pox, by the people. The pipal enter into this profession. is worshipped as Mahadeva by the Brahmans. THE PERUMALS. Malabar or Malayalam denotes the Malabar from their fellow Aryans in other country between the Western Ghats and the parts of the peninsula, certain changes were Arabian Sea south of Konkan. Its Sanskrit instituted in the manners and customs of the name Kerala m refers probably to the abundant people; the principal of which are the wearing growth of the keram or cocoanut in these parts. of the kudumi or tuft of hair, on the forepart of According to tradition Para su râma, the the head, the restriction that the eldest song sixth incarnation of Vishņu, reclaimed it from only of the Nambari Brahmans should marry, the sea, and established the principal temples and the system of inheritance known as Maraand gramams. To distinguish the people of makkatayan amongst the Sadra chates. The


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