APRIL, 1880.]
('] pârijita-kirttina râjña Attivarmmaņa anuparata dharmma-kriyâ-parêņa Kabyapa-gôtra() ya Apastambha"-sâtra-vide yama-ni ya*]mavath Rig-Yajus-Sâma-vide bråhmaņaya Brahma-kalpå.
Second plate; first side. [") ya Kottiśarmmaņê Krishnabeņņa-dakshiņa-kûlê Tânthikontha-grâmê chatur-ddisam=ashta
sata-pa[*] tti-kshetrañ=ch=Ântakkúra-grâmaś=ch=ôdaka-pûrvvan=dattaḥ ssa(sa)rvvâ(rvva)-bâdba
pariharam [ll] [S]y[a]-dattaa pa[°] ra-dattâm và yê harêta vasundharam gavam sata-sa hasrasya hantuh pibati kilbisham [1]
Second plate; second side. [10] Bhůmi-dânât=parandânan=na bhutan=na bhavishyati (tas)y=[aiva baraņât=påpe]n=na
bh[ûtan=na bha]vish[y]at[i] [*] [Bahubhi)[") r=yvasudhâ dattâ bahubhis-ch=Anopálitâ* yasya yasya yadà bhůmis-tasya tasya
(tadá phalam] [ll] ["') Brahma"-svar vishaṁ ghôran=na visham visham-uchyat visham=økâkina hanti
brahma-svaṁ putra-pautrikam [1*] Translation.
village of Antuk k û ray were given, with Hail! By king Attivarma,-who is born libations of water, free from all opposing claims, in the family of king Kandura", which is to the Brahman Kottiśarmâ, of the Kaśyapa possessed of unequalled and extensive fame, gôtra, who knows the Apastambha" sútra, and and which is glorious, and which is descended who practises the major and the minor obseryfrom the lineage of the great saint Ananda, ances, and who is acquainted with the Rig and and which is purified by the pollen of the lotuses the Yajur and the Sáma (Vēdas), and who is a which are the feet of (the god) Sambhu, the holy Brahman, and who is almost equal to (the god) one, who resides at the temple of) Vaké. BrahmA himself. śvara", and is the maker of the three worlds ; (L. 8.)-He incurs the guilt of the slayer of who is attended by beautiful and well-born and a hundred thousand cows, who confiscates land clever people; who is of the posterity of the that has been given, whether by himself, or by inscrutable (god) Hiranyagarbha; who has re- || another! There has not been, and there shall duced the territories of all chieftains by his! not be, any gift (better) than a gift of land ; prowess; who is equal in valour to the god) there has not been, and there shall not be, any Mahendra; who resembles in intellect the presin (greater) than confiscating the same ! Land ceptor of the gods; whose fame has been ac- has been given by many, and has been pre. quired by properly governing his subjects; and served in grant by many; he, who for the time who is intent upon (maintaining) the uninter- being possesses land, enjoys the benefit of it! rupted practises of religion,-a field of (theThe property of a Brahman is said to be a measure of eight hundred pattis, including terrible poison, (but, in comparison with that), poi(its boundaries on the four quarters, at the son is not called poison ; (for) poison kills only village of Tanthik ontha on the south bank one person, (whereas) the property of a Brahman, of the river) Krishna ben pâ, and also the (if confiscated), kills one's sons and sons' sons !
BY THE REV. W. AYERST, M. A. The Gâros are & type of the more primitive other. They believe in the existence of a Supreme and savage of the claps, and all of this clan Being, who is “God over all." But they do not have more or less of a family likeness to each worship him by sacrifice, believing him to be
11 The occurrence of this form of the name, instand of A pastamba, is, I believe, sufficient proof in itself of the early date of this grant. Dr. Böbler has written on this point; but I have not his remarks to refer to.
* First kd was engraved, and then it was corrected into the 1The metre requires us to correct this into brdimana. 90 8c., Krishna.
11 Or, perbape, Vankdars. sa See note 27 above.