thinking is thinking of something, it means that it requires a material on which the thought. thought-activity is exercised and a fortiori
Polarity of Subject and Object in
therefore, it implies an object which is discriminated and understood by thought. Thus we can neither imagine a subject or a thinking principle without an object to think upon, or a world without conceiving a cogitative principle as thinking it. And this is how we become conscious of the Self or Subject and the Not-Self or Objeet.
And from this it is evident that cons
Consciousness and
knowledge ciousness arises only from the action and
from action
and interac- inter-action of the Self and Not-Self as such;
tion between
and constituted as we are, our knowledge
must therefore begin with sensations from the peripheral contact of the senses with their respective objects, and consists in the interpretation of the sensations which they arouse in us; for, merely having sensations and feelings would not constitute knowledge. Therefore the knowledge of a thing is the interpretation and understanding of the sensation in such a manner as would correspond to the existing relations between the self and the Not-Self and other sur
the two
the Self and the Not-Self.
Sensation, Interpre
tation know ledge and its formation.