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of ignorance and subject to the laws of Karma.
What, then, is the cause of all these diversities and differences ? Either in the material world, or in the vegitable or the animal —no two things are alike. Are, then, the visible differences which are evident between things or organisms--mere chance-results or fortuitious concourse of lifeless atoms ? To admit them as but results of chances is to invalidate the very law of causation.
The doctrine of the results of chance' can no more find rooms in a philosophy which seeks to arrive at a rational explanation for the changes we exprience at every moment of our being. Change is the soul of all activities and stagnation is but cold death. Change, therefore, constitutes the life of all that is. The development of the seed into a tree or of an ovum into an animal is but a series of changes constituting an advance from homogeneity of structure to heterogeneity of structure. It is this series of changes gone through during the period of development and decay that makes up the life history of a plant or an animal. In