according to the Karmic energies of its own making. And this might
either lead to 3. (iii) Manushya gati or the human
world—the best and the only sphere of life and thought even for the gods who have to descend here to struggle for the attainment of autonomy or
self-rule, or to 4. (iv) Tiryak gati-the worlds of beasts
and birds or vegetables and minerals.
5. JATI NAMA KARMA. The word játi here means species of living beings, and not caste into which the Indian social organism is divided. As a biological term in the Jain philosophy, it is used to denote the living organisms which are classified according to the number of sense-organs each jiva possesses : every living being does not possess all the five sense-organs. Some possess only one, via., touch ; others possess only two, viz., touch and taste, and so on. The Jain teachers hold that this variation in the number of the sense-organs as possessed by the jiva is due to a certain sets of action