their daily lie. The imperative character of their importance becomes clearly evident when we direct our attention to questions of the relation of hygiene and baccilus. The modern baccilus theory of diseases which have often been declared as contagious, explain the scientific character of the above five injunctions, specially with respect to the monks who have to move about from village to village, from city to city excepting the period of Chaturmâsya or the four months of the rainy season when they are forbidden to visit place after place.
(B) Now the three Guptis: Having regulated the external movements of a jiva in such a way as would help him to arrest comparatively the influx of karmı, the sages have deemed it wise to lay down further rules for controlling his inner nature. Of these guptis or the processes of controlling the inner nature of a jiva we have first, (1) Manogupti which means the controlling
of the mind. If mind is not controlled and regulated at will to work in a particular direction, nothing great can be achieved. So the