just like the nityânityu vastu viveka of the Vedantists.
(6) Dhyana-meditation, contemplation or uniform unbroken concentration of mind upon something. To be more clear, dhyan is an unbroken thread of thought evoloving out of continuous thinking on an object or an Idea. This dhyana has been classified into four kinds according to the object or Idea whereon a jiva concentrates his attention; viz, (1) Arta, (2) Roudra, (3) Dharma and (4) Sukla.
To take the first, Arta Dhyana, it is the most intense hankering with attatchment after an object of enjoyment revealing itself as it does in four forms namely,
(a) Ishta viyoga-constantly thinking of the loss of what was dear to him ; grieving too much for the dead and the departed dear ones or wailing and beating breast in grief for the loss sustained.
(b) Anista Samyoga-to be constantly brooding over entering on a new