noted, are all imposing edifices. The whole hill appears like one mass of temples and the grouping of buildings in a limited area is another peculiarity of the Jain Aut There exist several Jain columns in Southern India and they are described as specimens of “a remarkably pleasing design. They are a wonder of light. elegant, highly decorated stone work and nothing can surpass the stately grace of these beautiful pillars whose proportions and adaptations to surrounding scenery are always perfect and whose richness of decoration never offends. In the whole range of Indian Art, there is nothing perhaps equal to the Kanara. Jain pillars for good taste.”
Numerous Jain cave temples have been discovered in different parts of India in the West and South. The Jain caves at Elura form a series by themselves and contain very elaborate and superior Architectural works. Mr. Griffiths says in the
Introduction of his well-known work “Ajanta'. 'The Jains excavated some five or six extensive works which form a very important group of caves, one of the largon