[xvii been given as Inam as above-mentioned to Satidas, the jeweller by way of an Altamga (grant) from the beginning of the harvest time, (i, e., month of) Takhakavil. It is necessary that the noble, the dignified children and the exalted Amirs and Vazirs who are thrifty and the future accountants, employed in the civil department and the Governors and Officers and Jagirdars and tax gatherers shall exert (themselves) to carry out and uphold this sacred order of His Majesty and let the above-mentioned Parganah remain in the possession of the above-named (person) and his children, generation after generation ; and shall consider as abolished (the levying) of all monies and dues and taxes and all (other) revenues ; and with regard to this matter they shall not demand every year, a new order and a Sanad, and they shall not swerve from what is (here) commanded. Dated the 19th, of the auspicious month of Ramzan in the 31st, of the auspicious reign corresponding with the Hijra year 1067 (A.D., 1657).
26th June 1875. (A true translation ) Bombay High Court Sd, Goolam Mohaideen.