[ Branches (i) Madhukara (ii) Rudrapalli (iii) Laghu (iv) Begarh (v) Pinpalia (vi) Barha Acharya (vii) Bhavaharsha (viii) Laghu Acharya (ix) Rangvijay (x) Mandoria. ]
38. Udyotana Suri, up to 937 A.D. (S.994).
32. Vardhamana Suri, up to 1031 a. D. (S. 1088) confirmed by Abu inscriptions. He created his pupil Jineshwara an Acharya in 1022 A. D. ( S. 1079 ). Afterwards he performed the installation ceremony of the temple on Mt. Abu known as Vimal Vasi in S. 1088, the year in which he reached heaven.
40, Jineshwara Suri I. In 1023 A. D. (S. 1080 ) in a debate before king Durlabha of Anhillapura (Gujrat ) he was victorious and got the biruda ( title ) of Kharatara which is borne by this gachchha up to the present moment. c,f." उद्योतनो गुरुरभाविबुधो यदोये
पदेऽजनिष्ट सुमुनिगेणि बईमान: ॥१६॥ तदनु भुवनाश्रोत ख्यातावदात गुणोत्तरः सुचरण रमा भुरि सूरिवभूव जिनेश्वर ।
'खरतर' पति ख्यातिं यस्मादवापगणोप्ययं । from Rajgriha Prashastti,dated s. 1355 = 1412 A.D.]
"संवत दश लिए नृपहार । तास सोस जिनमार्ग विचार ॥