CHAPTER XXVV. MOKSHA OR EMANCIPATION. Moksha or Emancipation-Moksha is the Highest Good--Conceptions of the Highest Good according to the Different Schools of Philosophy-Moksha is eternal and constitutional with the Soul-It cannot be worked out by Karma-For Moksha is not the Product of anything.
Now comes Moksha or Beatitude, the last and final of the Jain moral categories. Those who have followed our line of thought from Karma-phenomenology to the chapter proceeding this, must have understood the inner psychology of the whole trend of thought and culture, the sole objective of which is the emancipation of the soul from the miseries of the world and its attainment to a state of the highest felicity which it is the concern of everyman to know and which the Sadhu takes so much pains to acquire. The Jain Sådhu, as it is now wellknown, aims at nothing less than the complete deliverance of the soul from all weil and covering-Survåvaranavimuktirmuktih. But it is not so with the followers of the