If the ascetic here be able to completely subdue or destroy the lingering tinge of greed, he is safe and passes ou to the twelfılı stage. Bui if it is only in check by utmost exertion of his soul, thien in time to come, it
m u ner suficient strength to overcome the controlling forces of the agent, and my cust soul to slip b:ick even in the lowest struge. If on the otherhan! he successfully combats greed, he becomes an Anuttarcoisi Deva and kuows that he is destined to become a Siddha after his next birth.
In the twelfth stage, K’shinamoha gunasthánaka, the ascetic not only eludes the grasp of grecd, but also becomes free from the influence of all Ghatin karma or those which prove to be impelineats in way of obtaining omwiscience. And although the Aghilin kurm: still persists, it is too weak to bring the son under its control. The soul at this stage passing through the remaining two 543es enters at once into Moksha.
The hirteent: sage is known as Sayogikevali Gunnsth dilan.c. The main ivho reaches