absolutely within the limits of ignorance only. It next rises to the state called upasuma samakita where, it forgets the above distinction and consequently is not able to act according to such distinctions ; but later on when the soul again gets hold of such distinction and fresh remembrance of it comes back, the soul enters on another stage namely, Sasvådana gunasthanaka, which is characterised by exhausted faith.
Next the soul that rises to the third stage namely Misra gunasthånaka is so to speak in a state of tension, oscillating between the stage of knowledge and doubt. At one moment it gets hold of the truth and at the next doubts it. It is a stage of uncertainty and vascillation. But the peculiarity of this stage is that the soul cannot remain permanently in this stage but must either slide down to the second stage or must rise up to the fourth one.
The fourth stage is called Avirat 2– Samyagdhristi which follows as soon as the doubts of an individual have been removed either by meditation or by instruction of the guru. This stage is so named because the