NIRJARA OR DISSIPATION. Nirjara-Its Definition - Classification of Nirjera into Sakama and Akama — The Mumukshin strives for Sakam Nirjare to expediate Liberation - Phases and Transformations of Karma-Means and Methods of Sakama Nirjera- The Primary Condition of Nirjara is Austerity-Austerity burns up the Karma seeds and sets the Jiva free -Forms of Austerities and Dhyanas which burn up the seeds of Karma before their due times,
Along with the practice, of Samvar or arresting the influx of fresh karnia-pudgal as stated in the preceding chapter a mumukshin jiva is requiren to act in such a way as would help him in throwing away the already acquired dirt of karma which has been sub. jecting him to go round and round the wheel of births and deaths. For untill and unless a piva's entire karma-matter clothing his soulworked out or neutralized in a manner as would make it impossible to transform into udaya-kinetic state of its being, a jiva cannot expect to attain to freedom. And the processes and activities whereby the karma. matter clothing the soul is worked out or