things without the least attatchment he will attain to such a state of being when all the five fold rules of conduct will be observed automatically so much so that the jiva himself will be left to himself for introspection into and selfreflection upon its own nature,
phases and phenomena. Thus we see how the various ways of arresting the inflow of karma into the constitution of the jiva can be classified into fiftyseven modes or types viz, five Samity, three Gupti, ten Yati dharma, twelve Bhavands, twenty two Parishuhas and five-fold ConductCharitra. A jioa desirous of salvation from the thraldom of the senses must make strenuous efforts to gradually stop the influx of fresh matter foreign to the soul. For as we have already seen it is these karma particles getting into the constitution of the jive that blind its vision into the metaphysics of things and there by prevents its right knowledge without which right conduct is held to be impossible.