to the time kalof my taking meals. I may take once a day and that again say by 3 P.M. every; day; and lastly, from the view-point of bhava, I may put still another restriction in obtaining food from people with certain peculiar mentality and position. I may take the vow of having meals only from the chaste and pure passersby whom I may happen to meet on my to a certain destination.
(4) Rasatayaga-Renunciation of palatable articles or dainty dishes, such as a variety of sweets, milk, butter, sugar, salt and the like which may awaken in me a sense of attachment to the pleasures of life. (5) Kayaklesha-Endurance of physical troubles. A mumukshin must ever be ready to undergo all sorts of physical discomforts without, in the least, losing the equanimity of temper. He must take both heat and cold (shita and ushna) in the one and the same light.