not much frequented by human beings of either six : for in wend. ing his way through these sunbathed highways with careful steps, if any jiva is killed unwarily, the sin begotten in consequence thereof would not materially affect him in as much as the merit he acquires by his deliberately taking every precaution for not injuring any sentient being outweighs and counteracts thereby the demerit that accrues from the unintentional killing of the invisible germs and animalcules on the path. Such is the character of the first samiti
known by the name of Irya. (ii) Bhasá samiti-This means careful
movements of the tongue. One should never make any foul use of the tongue as is done in the case of filthy speaking, abusing, or using harsh strong words against any one so as to wound his feeling. This is how the tongue is to be guarded.