the Jain sages have deemed it wise to lay down for the aspirants to Swaraj and for the good of humanity in general, a few rules and canons, movements along the lines of which will surely enable the jiva to realize the Ideal by the removal of the allens standing in the way. Of these rules of life, comes first the samvar which is nothing more than practically putting a stop to the influx of foreign elements into the constitution of the jiva.
Like Asrava and Bandha, Samvara is also analysable into Subjective (Bhava) and Objective (Dravya). By Subjective samvar, we mean the kind of conscious and voluntary striving, mental and moral, along certain lines, on the part of the jiva, to arrest the influx partially or wholly whereas Objective samvar means the actually shutting up of the channels against further influx of fresh Karma-matter into the constitution of the jiva.
Now the lines along which a jiva should strive and struggle for the gradual effectuation of samvara are of fifty-seven kinds ; viz, (A) Five Sumitis. (B) Three Guptis.