consistency of the teachings and principles ofthe faith promulgated
by an Omniscient Victor— Jina. (v) Anabhoga—is that under the negative
influence of which a jöva loses even the faculty to discriminate between dharma and its opposite and the like. A jiva with deranged organism labours under the
influence of Anabhoga Mithyåtva. It is important to note here by the way that the question as involved in the principle of false vision by subreption is broad and far reaching in its consequences. Therefore, it imperatively requires a more detailed treatment at our hands. And this we propose to do when we deal with the causes of Bandha where it will suit us well according to the scheme of the development of our theme. For the present, however, we believe we have been able to make the Jain conception of .Papa or Vice clear to our readers. According to the sages the constituent esements involved in Papa, are False vision by subreption, Perversity, and Liberty of Vice or Bad-will-all inseparably mingled together.