through various pours and channels in the earth and accumulate there ; so through a variety of pours and channels in the jivic organism, karma flows into the soul, and accumulate there to bind it down to sansår. And this explains why according to the nature and character of the various channels in the jivic organism, the Jain sages have classified the influx (asrava) into forty-two kinds ; namely, five sense-organs (Indriyas); four propensions (kashåyas); five avratas or the non-keeping of the vows, twentyfive kriyas or works and three yogas or the functional activities of mind, speech and body.
Of these forty-two ways, the easiest ones for the karma-matter to flow into the soul, are the five sense-organs viz., the ear, the eye, the nose, the taste and the touch. To take the case of the ear (kana), for example, karma flows into the soul through the sense of hearing i.e., through our listening to the sonorous songs which may ultimately delude the jiva from the righteous path. How often do we find men extremely devoted to music lose all sense of