The psychical condition which keeps the soul in a particular disposition so as to combine with Kurm into a self-sameness as it were with the soul is called Bhabubandha or Subjective bondage and the real Karma-matter which flowing into the soul stands in relation of Identity (Tadatama sambandha) as it were with the soul is called Dravya-bandha or Objective bondage.
Now according to the nature and character in and through which it displays itself in the phenomena of our life and thought, this bandha is classified into four kinds ; viz., - (A) Prakriti Bandha-The word Prakriti
here refers to the karmu prile kritis, of which there are in all, one hundred and fifty eight kinds. For convenience sake, these have been reduced into eight fundamental classes, four of which beginning with Durshandvaraniya Karma are called Ghatin Karma or the Action-currents of Injury and the remaining four are Aghatin or the Action-currents of Non-injury. Now when on the one hand these