103. Apayasha apakirti kårma—is the action-current whereby a jiva has to labour under a bad name and disrepute.
Here ends the long list of One Hundred and Three Nama Karmas determining the environment and physical condition in and through which a jiva has to struggle on and on.
VI.-GOTRA KARMA. We have seen before that gotra karma means certain action-currents whereby is determined the family and the race in which a jiva has to be born in the next incarnation. But families being either high or low in social structure, or being of high antiquity, having behind it the experience of ages, the Gotra Karma divides itself into two distinct sets of action-currents, viz(i) Uchcha gotra karma—is that set of
action-currents by the influence of which a jiva is born to a high family
with edifying surroundings. (ii) Nicha gotra karma-is that set of
action-currents under the influence of which a jiva is made to take birth in a low family with bad en