better to be
perversity of will, disregard, but the legi.
timacy of which we can hardly dispute. It Still for all that it is does 'not rule or pretend to rule even with chaste and an autocratic sway nor, does it give us
a law of its own making. On the contrary, it claims to rule us ; because it is the fulfilment of our destiny, the fullest realisation of our nature and the highest goal which mankind can keep in view. Here its authority is not coercion, forman lays the law upon himself, and it is self-imposed obligation. And because man is a citizen of a higher world, he complacently accepts and bears the burden of such obligation and feels the bondage of the lower form of life.
Let us then conclude by saying in the language of a philosopher that “in the darkest hour through which a human soul can pass, whatever else is doubtful, this at last is certain, that-if there be no god and no future state, even then it is better to be generous than selfish, better to be chaste than licentious, better to be brave than a coward. Blessed beyond all earthly blessedness, is the man, who in the tempes