vironments and grovelling people around him.
VII.-VEDANIYA KARMA. The word vedand is synonymous with samvedana which is equivalent to sensation as understood in modern psychology. Sen. sation results from the action of an external stimulous on the sensative apparatus of our nerves. Each organ of sense produces peculiar sensations which cannot be excited by nieans of any other. The eye gives the sen. sation of light, the ear of sound, the nose of smell, the tongue of taste and the skin of touch. And the sensations not only differ from one another in kind partly with the organ of the sense excited, but they also differ partly with the nature of the stimulus employed in two ways either (i) shata or (ii) ashâta. (i) Shatå vedaniya karma—is the set
of action-currents which, working on the sensative apparatus of our nerves, gives rise to pleasurable
sensations. (ii) Ashåtå vedaniya karma-is the
set of action-currents which similarly