naval symmetrical but retards the growth and devolopment of the lower part.
46. (iii) Sadi samsthana karma-is the set of action-currents which make for the full and proper development only of the lower part of the body down from this naval leaving the upper part not properly formed to keep up the symmetry.
47. (iv) Kubja samsthåna karma-is the set of action-currents by the predominence of which only the trunk of the body gets deformed-limbs and extremities being left symmetrical -kubja' means 'hump-backed.' 48. (v) Váman samsthân karma--is the set of action-currents due to the influence of which the different parts of the body including the trunk do not develop into their normal size, form, and configuration as in the case of a dwarf which is equivalent to Vaman in Sanskrit.
49. (vi) Hunda samsthåna karma-is the set of action-currents by reason of