it. So is the case with the physical organism of the jiva. Now, the odour which an organism emits is either fragrant (suravi) or fetor (duruvi): Hence, - 55. (i) Surabhi gandha karma—is the set of
action-currents which makes, a body radiate a fine fragrance very pleasant
to smell. 56. (ii) Duravi gandha karma-is the set
of action-currents which make a body emit a bad stinking fetor very unpleasant.
5. RASA NAM 4 KARMA. The word rasa means taste. As bodies have 'smells' so they have 'tastes' rasa) as well, which is discerned by the sensation which bodies awaken in us through the organ of taste (rasanendriya). But as the matter affecting the organ must be in a liquid state in order to its being felt, we have the word rasa which bears about it the sense and significance of liquidity. Tastes differ as bodies differ in constitution, and the action-currents which determine the nature and character of these tastes are named as Rasa-Karma or the action-currents deter