They remain intertwined with one another in two fold ways of warping and woofing by which reason we have got ten other forms of bandhan in addition to the five forms just detailed. But as the nature and character of these ten kinds of bandhan is not different from those enumerated, we do not think it our worth while to enter into their further details.
5. SANGHATAN NAMA KARMA. The word sanghåtan means collecting and laying up of materials. Every living matter by the virtue of its own inherent power, works and collects from the outside non-living matter as its food which is annexed or assimilated by it through the processes of integration or anabolism without which the formation of the tissues and the growth of the organism become impossible. Now the set of action-currents which determines this synthetic or anabolic process in a living body is termed as the sanghatan karma and as there are five kinds of living bodies, the sanghåtan karma must be also of five different kinds accordingly, viz.,