(viii) Purusha veda-is what awakens
the same sex-passion in males at the sight of or in company with females. This erotic instinct is compared to the nature of straw-fire : for, just as the fire dies out after consuming the straws; SO this purusha veda dies out immediately after its temporary preponderance and consummation.
(ix) Napunsaka veda-is what awakens the sex-passion in both the male and the female alike for a mutual embrace at the sight of each other. It is compared to the conflagration which reduces the whole town into ashes.
Thus we see that the three DarshanaMohaniya Karmas and these TWENTYFIVE Charitra Mohaniya Karmas which make up altogether TWENTY-EIGHT kinds of Mohaniya Karma,-all act as so many hypnotising action-currents to delude the human mind from attaining to Rightknowledge through Right-vision which can only enable it to walk in the Right-path.