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Not only this. No two human bodies (sarira) even , of the twin brothers or sisters, are alike either in character, differentia. behaviour or in configuration (Rati, Gati, Murti). Natural selection in the sense of the struggle for existence and hereditary transmission as we have already seen, cannot explain the causes and conditions as to why the human ovum should differentiate in the above manner so that certain of its differentiated parts come to be destined, as it were, to work out the skeletal, others to evolve heart, brain etc, while another set of parts gives formations to the limbs and extremities—upångas, till the infant after the formation of its physical constitution or oudarika body in this way for a certain period of time in its mother's womb comes out to see the light of the day. Then again the physical constitution of every child that is born is not sound, whole and entire. Why some are stout and healthy and proportionate in their limbs and extremities from birth, while others are lean, thin, emaciated as if they were dead already? Why some are born with defective sense-organs .
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