termines the
for the unfoldment of its psychical possibi
lities infinite in their indications and consti: Karma de tuting the real esse of the soul. We have manifesting seen also that karma in our philosophy
means not the deeds done only ; but also the energies of movement and form of the jiva's own making which materialise into the karma-matter which cling round the soul as potential energy of the system. It is now admitted on all hands that diversities and changes in the phenomena of nature are possible only on condition that energy of motion is capable of being stored up as energy of position. For, the relatively stable forms of materialisation of Jivic energetics, chemical action and reaction, organisation of fornis, the evolution of vegetal and animal organisims--all depend upon the locking up of the kinetic action in the form of latent energy reduced into kurina particles. And it is the kinetic release of this locked-up or potential energy in the form of the karman body that can account for all the possibilities of diversities and changes in the phenomena of nature.