and Dr. Bose's super- pli physical Power.
if suitably influenced. But when "killed by poison," like the plant or animal, it does not respond. European thinkers and bio
logists have so far assigned the presence 'Vital Force' of a separate 'vital force in the physical
phenomenon connected with the living organism. In place of any real explanation, a hypothetical nomenclature was used either to explain away or to clothe in a greater mystery the most complex phenomena that we ever come across. From this position with its assumption of superphysical character of response, it is clear that on the discovery by Dr. J. C. Bose, the most renowned Bengalee scientist of the day, of similar effects in inorganic substances, the necessity of theoretically maintaining such Dualism in Nature, must fall to the ground. There is, therefore, not any unknown arbitrary vital force as Physio logists have taught us to suppose bui a law, the working of which, knows no change, nor any deviation ; but which, as the Victors hold, acts uniformly from within throughout the inorganic and the organic worlds.