activity of the Oudàrika is not possible, cannot be reasonably conceived to be the product of the activity itself.
So the only way of escape from this difficulty, at first sight, seems to be this : neither of them produces the other, but both are co-existent. They have been maintaining their distinct existence from eternity so to speak.
But to say this, is also not enough. We have got to define the precise relation existing between them. It will not do to simply relation and
its difficulties say that they have been eternally existing as distirrtt entities, for the fact of inter-action between them requires to be explained.
Now different hypothesis may be framed with regard to the precise nature of interaction. Some may suppose that there is no interaction proper, but the relation of concomitant variation subsists between them. The changes in the one correspond to the changes in the other, though they are two distinct entities or worlds, having nothing in common.
Our reply is that it sees the half-truth only. In fact there is a relation of con