past actions can be amended or neutralized by our quickly setting up currents of counter action to run as antidotes to the former. It is just like setting the ball on motion in a certain direction and stopping the same by a subsequent counter-action which would either neutralize the effects of previous action or divert the ball in motion in another direction determined by the laws of the parallelogram of forces. It is true that we cannot in fact undo what we have already done; but surely we can thus modify and improve matters to a large extent by setting up new forces to run counter to the older ones and neutralize or divert the currents of the same.
So we see the law of karma, properly understood, is not so fatalistic that it would send in us a thrill of shudder to think of the of the hold
firm grasp
it lays upon us. However inexonerable,
however death-like might be the grip of the Law to make us undergo the consequences of Our Own thoughts and deeds, it is not as cruel as Destiny herself compelling us to do this and that at her own dictates and sweet will. For, just as
Amendment of the past posible.