we have placed Darshanavarana before Jnandvarana for Darshan stands for diffusive ; undifferentiated cognition which later on develops into definite, categorised, coherent conception we generally call knowledge or Jnan.
II. JNANAVARANIYA KARMAS. Knowledge of things, we have seen, in an earlier chapter on our epistemology, is of five forms ; and the action-currents which are detrimental to the unfoldment to these forms of knowledge respectively have been classed as, (a) Mati-Inandvaran-what is detri
mental to the formation of the conception or defined knowledge of things through the processes of reasoning and intellection. Sruta-Jnåndvaran—what is detrimental to the formation of the conceptual knowledge of things received through the perceptual organs.
Avadhi jnândvaran-is that kind of action-currents, the predominance of which, makes intuitive knowledge