The problem discussed ; I. 'Jiva' a free centre of Origination ?-Belief in the latter makes - Moral Judgment Inexplicable-Ethics lose its Injunctive Character - Leaves no room for Merit. Reward and Virtue-Examination of the Demerits Arguments in the Light of European Ethics.
Doubt as to
Hitherto we have been discussing the relation between the kårman body ( TT) and Ouddrika body ( cifrati mitt ) correctness and the transmigration of the former from belief in body to body by means of which a siva attains to higher forms of evolution and state of beatitude by its own moral will and endeavour. There we took it for granted, as it were, that every Jiva has got capacity to improve itself morally and otherwise by its own effort. Whether this belief is true we did not stop there to enquire and consider. And, there may arise, indeed, a doubt as to the rationale and correctnsss of this belief. The Jains hold, as we shall see