The idea of
As a mere theoretical thinker, we cannot get any idea of individuality, nor can we form any clear conception of it. We can individuality prove all this by psychological analysis of develops ? the development of a child's mind. A child's first ideas are all unconsciously universal or vaguely abstract ideas. Even the child's first conscious ideas must be of what we call the universal as such. The many presentations he cannot yet know as so many individuals ; for he cannot grasp single facts for their own sake. He only learns to recognise the type which persists through many presentations. He knows things by types, by universals. The one that persists through the many, he comes to recognise as the one, the universal, the type, the idea. As a mere theoretical thinker his progress has stopped and cannot go beyond it.
But observe another side of his nature. He has a doll ; and say, he loves it. He breaks it. Now offer him another doll as nearly as possible like the former one. Now will the child accept this as compensation ? No. And what is the reason of this ? It is this that the love for this toy is in its