sion through
is another inviolable physical condition in the shape of a medium for the marifestation
and operation of the above energies and it is şthe mortal physical frame which the man
takes on. And there is invariably a kind of or through Re-births ?
chemical affinity under the secret influence of which the man is drawn to a particular body wherein he is to take birth. It is true that man passes from body to body through the repetition of births and deaths, and as he progresses or retrogresses quite in accordance with the good or bad deeds he per formed in the past, it is evident enough that he passes out with his own self-acquired habits, qualities and desires fitly called karmasarira according to our philosophical terminology. But this does not necessarily mean that the habits and qualities he acquired through the processes of natural selection or through the processes of selfdiscipline he might have undergone-be these for good, or for bad-are transmitted to the off-springs through the physiological principle of heredity. True it is that the offsprings display at times such habits and tendencies as can well be traced out