culties-man has a soul to save.
the lower instincts and propagation of species. Man has a moral nature and possesses a soul to save and a conscience as well by the virtue of which he is enabled oftentimes to subdue, nay sacrifice himself for the Moral diffiprogress of thought, culture and humanity. If lives were but bubbles that break at every breeze, why should we not make the best use of the short span of life, we have at our disposal by drawing our sharp knives from your ear to ear for the satisfaction of our own interests and instincts. What bar is there against our doing this ? But, as we often see, they do not do it always and invariably. They organize society and live in it for the common weal and progress. Not only they are often found to subdue their own personal or communal interests ; but they sacrifice themselves at the sacred alter of humanity for progress and perfection. And these and the like ideas and ideals are not compatible with the gladiatorial theory of life and living as measured by the standard of crude materialistic hypothesis either of the Chârvåka school or of Darwinian thought and culture.