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explain the various diversities in the phenomenal world-the causes being absent thereof.
All these positions being thus untenable, the Jains hold that both the soul and karma Soul a stand to each other in relations of pheno- stand. menal conjunction, the continuity of which in relatie
of beginnit is without beginning in the sense of un- less conjun broken series or succession in time (anddi apaschånupurvi somyog apravå hasamvandha). And such is the ocean of sansår whereon tumultuous waves variously swelling in names and forms come one after the other and break off dashing against weight of the adamantine chain of the phenomenal law of karma causation. Sansår is thus subject to the laws of causes and conditions, to the laws of karma and omnipresent is the effect thereof in the phenomenal universe. It is mete here to note that suffering is not limited to the human world only, but spreads over all the abodes of existence ; such, as Hell (narak), the World of the goblins (Pretaloke), Life among the brute-class (Tiryakayoni), the World of demons (Asuraloka) and the World of Gods (Devaloka).