The five
these ultimate rudiments having nothing for their material cause Upådan, stand by themselves as unresolvable units. 'And a patient determining study of these ultimate units will make it clear that they-every one of them-are instinct, as it were, with infinite power by the virtue of which they are capable of being developed in innumerable ways through the processes of permutation and combination of these four original ingredients which form the true character, composition and make up of the Universe revealed in a diversity of names and forms. This diversity of names and forms in and through which the self-existent Universe is revealed to us owes its origin to the variety in the arrangement and combination of the ingredients composing the same. But what is it really due to ? The variety in the arrangement and combination is due to (1) Kal— Time, (2) Swabhåbá— Nature i.c. favourable environment ; (3) NiyatiDestiny or Necessity, (4) Karma—Action or motion and (5) U dyama-Self-assertion or Effort--the five-fold Determining Causes (fafan Filem) all acting in conjunction