of time and space and regards the world as made up of individual existences, each of which has a nature of its own, self-identical or self-complete.
But when we rise to a higher spiritual
Spiritual vision of things, when it becomes necessary
visi sion of things as expression of a unity.
to apprehend objects which are no longer self-identical units, but each of which is,
so to speak, at once itself and other than itself, when we cannot affirm without at the same time denying or deny without affirming; thus when the seeming contradictions inter penetrate and give reality and life to each other, the resources of ordinary thought fall short of the requirement and we are to take recourse to the other mode of cognition which is more synthetical and harmonizing. For if the sphere of reality be that in which nothing exists as a self-identical entity, how Inadequacy is it possible that formal logic or realistic
of Formal
method whose fundamental principle is the law of identity should be other than baffled in the endeavour to grasp them?
The only device of the rationalising intellect which comes uppermost in the mind at first sight, for attaining unity is that of