the world of nature including finite mindsout of his own energy, in sport, as it were. Just as we find all things to be mutable forms of one immutable being, finite results of one infinite force, so we shall find that all ideas and ideals are but variable self-expressions of Qize Invariable and All-Embracing Delight of Self-existence. And this explains the causes underlying diversities and differences between all things and beings the totality of which go to make up this our phenomenal Universe
But this theory of Cosmic origin
is confronted with graver difficulties Difficulties
which cannot but stand for its own contheistic con ception.
demnation. The whole thing, briefly speaking, stands thus. The One Ultimate Reality which has thrown It-self out into name and form, is a truine Existence, Knowledge, Bliss-Sachidananda. Sachidananda, it may be reasoned, is God and Who is not only a conscious Being but Who is also the Author of existence and all these. And, therefore, the question is, How could a God who is All-bliss Himself and from whom flow the dews of delight as water