constituent factors making up the being of a thing yet they are not present in the same degree of intensity and quantity. These gunas are always at war with one another in the course of which one or the other gets stronger and predominates over the other two in intensity giving to a particular phenomenon in which the particular guna predominates, a certain form, colour and character after its own.
Now it is these powers of Satva-Passivity, Rajas-Activity and Tamas-Inertia, reaching their equilibrium at the dissolution of the previous evolution that constitute Prakriti, or Evolvent-Nature.
CATEGORIES. The categories of the Sankhya system are classified mainly into four groups, viz
(a) That which is simply Prakriti or Evolvent.
(6) That which is both Prakriti-Vikriti i.e., Evolute as well as Evolvent.
(c) That which is simply Vikriti i.e., Evolute only.
(d) That which is Neither.