else which is termed as cause.
A cause is
stantial and what brings about an effect, the latter being what follows from the cause. Such being the definitions, in general, of the cause and the effect, many a logician have drawn a line of distinction between the circumstances and the active agents which co-operate to bring about an effect. One has been termed as the Substantial cause and the other as Determining or Efficient cause otherwise known as Patient and Agent in European logic. The reason why such distinction is drawn consists in this. We see the potter manufactures the jar out of clay by means of Danda-chakra,the mill-stone-and-the-lever. The jar is thus the product or effect of the co-operation of clay, the lever, the mill-stone, and the potter i.e. the manufacturer himself. Such being the case, all these beginning with clay must have to be taken as the cause, the effect of which is the jar the product or the output of the co-operation; for a cause is the aggregate of all such accidents both in the agents and the patients as concur in production of the effect propounded. The manufacturer, the mill-stone and the like have