Correlativity of Matter and mind-Bhogya and Bhokta.
The true view of things.
its very essence is related to the mind and mind in its very essence is related to matter. For what is matter, if it is not matter in
relation to thought, and what
mind if it cannot enter into relation with matter? We cannot obviously think of any matter which by its very nature cannot enter into relation with thought; because it involves a contradiction of thought. Again we cannot think of mind which is not capable of thinking about something, because in it, its So essence lies. from this standpoint whatever is, is not as a self-complete reality existing in and by itself, but as being determined by something else. So the true view of anything would be not only its being but also of its non-being to which it reality and individuality. In short virtue of this self-abnegation being can be real or can exist as such. So the true point or view of the right vision or understanding of any object would include not only a view of things in their positive aspect or in their aspect of thesis but also a view of what they are not or the aspect of antithesis, which again
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