we may over-estimate the positive aspect only and assert its existence, the idea of which is already forced upon us, so to speak, by the undeniable presence of substance, period etc, (द्रव्यकालादि) inferentially or immediately cognised by the senses. Thus, although we have repeatedly described a thing to involve both the positive and the negative aspects or to put in other words, involve being and non-being as well, yet it would not be a contradiction of thought or language, if we contend being as essential, and say it exists, because we look at it now from a standpoint which is relatively much lower than the former and from which we lose sight altogether of another important correlative aspect namely, what it is not.
स्यान्वास्ताव स्यादवक्तव्यमेवेति निषेधप्राधान्येन युग पनिषेध विध्यनिर्वचनीय कल्पनाविभजनया षष्ठो भङ्गः as emâna eina May be, partly or in certain sense the jar is not and indescribable in a certain sense as well.
We have described what the thing is not, being unable to describe at one and the same moment what it is and what it
The Sixth
plains the
character of
the thing as well as the
indescribable nature of the same.