position 01
SHANKAR AND SYADVAD. Vyasa, and Shankar against the Doctrine of Syadvad.--Impossibility of the co-existence of the contradictory attributes in one-Shankara's summary of the Syadvad and its interpretation--Its critical examination by Shankar-Inconsistencies and fallacies in Syadvad,
The above, in short, is the principle and
character of the Saptabhangi Naya, the grand The unique Charac mewupraomungu avayu, position of The Sapta heptangular stronghold of the Jain philobhangi in the arena of sophers. It is from these angles that the philosophical Speculation." Jain philosophers see into the realities of all
thought and being. It is from within this heptagonic fortress that they throw off their gauntlets as a challenge to their antagonists to outwit them. Being guarded by the seven trenches of this their logical synthesis, they measure the strength of their adversaries and test the truth and validity of their knowledge and doctrines. Such being the high and prominent position ascribed to the Saptabhangi in the arena of philosophical speculation in quest of truth, many a scholar and philosopher, ancient or modern, have invariably been